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Insuring Rental Cars

Your personal auto insurance typically covers renting a car in the United States and its territories. While rental companies may offer additional insurance, it is not mandatory if you already have a personal auto policy. It’s crucial to note that only authorized drivers listed in the rental contract can operate the vehicle; using an unauthorized driver may void your insurance.

Watch out for aggressive sales tactics from rental staff trying to sell unnecessary coverage. Also, carefully review your rental contract to avoid automatic charges for excess insurance.

Your auto insurance, however, generally does not extend to renting a car in foreign countries. When renting abroad, it’s important to understand that your insurance policies, including umbrella policies, likely won’t provide coverage. Some policies may extend coverage to Canada, but verify this beforehand.

In foreign countries, you can usually purchase insurance from the rental company, though options for higher coverage may be limited and expensive. Many travelers assume their own insurance will cover foreign rentals, so it’s essential to confirm this before traveling abroad.

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