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All About Livestock Insurance for Your Farm

If you raise animals with an eye on profits, insurance for your livestock is a must. Our weather is unpredictable here, and the herd can contract an illness anytime. Here at Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. in Little Falls, MN, we know that even the loss of one of your livestock can create a financial strain. Therefore, here are some insurance tips for protecting your investment in animals and other farm equipment.

What Is Livestock Insurance?

While standard livestock insurance doesn’t cover animals who pass away from old age, natural causes, or illness, a special type of coverage called mortality insurance does. However, traditional policies do cover accidents and unforeseen events. These policies can help defray the cost of getting a replacement animal and any revenue-generating production, such as meat, milk, or eggs.

What Coverage Does Livestock Insurance Provide?

Livestock insurance typically provides coverage for the following losses, including animals, equipment, and natural disasters.

  • Theft and vandalism
  • Accidents while loading and unloading
  • Accidental shootings
  • Collisions
  • Attacks by wild animals or dogs
  • Structural collapses
  • Natural disasters, such as earthquakes
  • Extreme weather, such as lightning or flooding

Many of these losses will be covered by livestock insurance, and you can add additional endorsements for additional protection.

Does Livestock Insurance Cover Liability?

As mentioned, you can customize your ranch and farm insurance with supplemental add-ons known as riders. Having a rider for liability coverage protects you should one of the herd cause personal or property damage. With some providers, liability is a component of your standard policy.

Get the Livestock Coverage You Need

Livestock insurance policies are designed to ensure your farm’s success. If you have questions about coverage, contact Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. in Little Falls, MN, for guidance, quotes, and answers to your questions.

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